
Work in progress

This contract has not been deployed nor documented fully yet as it is still a work in progress.

ZkRoninsMeta64X.sol is the advanced Base64 metadata contract in the META64 module. This contract can be connected to ZkRoninsMeta64.sol and alters the return value of the slotURI function.

It somewhat functions as a middleman; making last-call computations before creating and returning the Base64 URI. We chose this approach of "intercepting" just so we can play around with complex logic, without having to keep redeploying most of the needed functionality present in the ZkRoninsMeta64.sol contract.

Fully-autonomous traits

In ZkRoninsMeta64.sol we explained how it becomes easier to create and change traits using Base64 URI. Now, this is a step forward, but it doesn't exactly make the change in metadata a fully-autonomous process (as we explained lightly in Upgradability).

Fully-autonomous traits would require a more algorithmic plan. Values that get calculated and change based on a variety of conditions set.

It's usually easiest to give examples by treating this as a gamified matter. Let's say those who have requested a hand-colored piece and accepted this earned themselves 100 XP. With this contract in place and this logic applied we could directly reflect this XP in the metadata of the character. Now, this XP could be given utility and as it is fungible it could create interesting new ways to (e)valuate the NFTs in the collection.

NOTE: This is just a simple example of what could be done. The cool part about all this is that this contract is intended to be upgraded and redeployed more often than any of the other contracts we have planned based on the ideas we (or you!) might have considering fully-autonomous traits.



[Deployed in a future timeline]

Last updated